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Saafnet AlphaShield Connection Tracking Weakness (bugtraq id 6637 )


AlphaShield doesn`t track connections.

To decide if an incoming packet belongs to a valid connection started from the client, the AlphaShield does this:

-for TCP/UDP connections: it keeps track on source/destination ports and IP´s. On TCP doesn´t matter about sequence numbers.
-for ICMP: once an echo_request passes through the AlphaShield from the protected machine to an outside target, all subsequent echo_reply from the outside target to the protected machine are allowed, it doesn´t matter if the protected machine only sends 1 echo_request.
-for ARP: all "ARP replys" and "ARP Requests" are allowed to pass trough the AlphaShield

This filtering way is not effective, moreover if we consider that the AlphaShield stores the source/destination IP´s and ports of any new socket, and it will allow any future incoming/outgoing packet matching those IP´s and ports. This "packet injection" could be done because of the stateless tracking method implemented (AlphaShield doesn´t look the SYN/ACK/FYN/RST...), so it never knows if a connection is still active or has been closed by any of the two end points.

The tests were done on a ethernet environment as showed below:

Attacker----Swicth-----AlphaShield-----Protected_PC (target)

The target machine was running a sniffer in order to see all the packets received. On the attacker machine we used the well known software "hping2" as packet generator.

-TCP test: a) target machine connects with telnet to a telnet server on the Internet, then it closes the connection. b) attacker machine sends this packets: source_IP=telnet_server, destination_IP=target, source_port=23,destination_port=port_from_wich_target_originated_the_connection. Result: AlphaShield allows all the incoming packets although they aren`t responses to any request and we can see them with the sniffer on the target machine. No matter if the sent packet by the attacker had the SYN/ACK... flag activated, it was allowed.

-UDP test: a) target machine does a DNS query (UDP) to a nameserver on the Internet. b) attacker machine sends this packets: source_IP=DNS_server, destination_IP=target, source_port=53,
destination_port=port_from_wich_target_originated_the_connection. Result: AlphaShield allows all the incoming packets although they aren`t responses to any request and we can see them with the sniffer on the target machine.

-ICMP test: a) target machine does a simple (echo_request/echo_reply) to a server on the Internet. b) attacker machine sends ICMP´s (echo_reply) with source_address=server, destination_address=target. Result: AlphaShield allows all the subsequent incoming echo_reply although they aren`t responses to any request and we can see them with the sniffer on the target machine.

-ARP test (with "arpoison"): a) attacker machine sends "ARP replys" to the target machine. It doesn´t matter the source IP, MAC... Result: AlphaShield allows the incoming packets although they aren`t responses to any request and we can see them with the sniffer on the target machine. All incoming broadcast "ARP request" are also allowed. An ARP spoofing attack could be done easily. All the target traffic could be redirected to the attacker machine. (This is not an AlphaShield flaw, but it shows the danger of allowing incoming ARP packets without any kind of checking.

We have to notice that most of the attacks described above are only possible in those scenarios were the target has a routable IP address from the attacker machine. But in the worst case (target machine with private address and attacker from the Internet with public address), the responsable of stopping such attacks would be the forwarding/natting device in front of the AlphaShield and not the AlphaShield itself, so it does not apply to the goal of this paper: the analisys of the AlphaShield.

With this paper we would like to show real vulnerabilities on the Saafnet AlphaShield device that can be exploited remotely.

Soon we will have real examples on how to exploit this remotely here

Hugo Vázquez Caramés & Toni Cortés Martínez



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